Restaurant Humac in Hvar

The term ‘rustic’ doesn’t begin to describe what greets the first-time visitor to Humac, having phoned ahead and driven down the dustiest of trails to find it. Telephone reservation is as essential as the candlelight that illuminates this woodland clearing where a glowing oven and scattering of tables are arranged most summer evenings.

Given its modest size, isolated location, succulent flame-grilled fish or lamb and sea view beyond, the Konoba Humac may be fully booked on occasion. Those without a hire car on Hvar can safely rely on any local taxi driver knowing the way here.

More Things To Do ideas

Find more Things To Do in Hvar: Blue Cave Of Biševo | Palatial TvrdaljRestaurant Giaxa | Restaurant Konoba Humac 


Grilled octopus Hvar food